A glimpse of what I have been up to

This has certainly been a long break but here are glimpses of what I have been up to 🙂

We made oozy cupcakes
We made oozy cupcakes
Dal vada
Dal vada
Soaked fruits and nuts for christmas
Soaked fruits and nuts for Christmas
Make a kick ass cake for our anniversary :)
Make a kick ass cake for our anniversary 🙂
Made labor intensive kachoris
Made labor intensive kachoris
Make a few solitary suppers
Make a few solitary suppers
Made Kurkuri Bhindi twice in a week
Made Kurkuri Bhindi twice in a week
Made these cute chocolate coffee buttons for an order
Made these cute chocolate coffee buttons for an order
Made these cupcakes for 40 beautiful children at an NGO.
Made these cupcakes for 40 beautiful children at an NGO.
Celebrated Karwachauth
Celebrated Karwachauth
Went to an awesome Diwali Dance
Went to an awesome Diwali Dance
Children's day :)
Children’s day 🙂
Our Wedding anniversary
Our Wedding anniversary
Halloween at work
Halloween at work
Had the most awesome time at Diwali with family :)
Had the most awesome time at Diwali with family 🙂

See you around in most posts to come soon 🙂
