Beyond the URL – Archana Potdar

Archana is a woman of Andaz. She has been wonderfully influenced by 2 great cooks in her life, her mom and her MIL. 🙂 I came across her blog through a blogging marathon and I am really glad I did. She loves to cook by the eye and that makes her cooking more special, in my opinion. She blogs here.

Read on more about her here.

  • Who is the person behind the blog? Tell us something about yourself.

Though I ,that is Archana Potdar, is the face of the blog, The Mad Scientist’s Kitchen, it’s my family who are the real  driving force;  the  Guinea pigs, the rabbits on whom I experiment. Though I can safely say no one has died at my hands as yet, I cannot predict the future.  Lets see.

I am a graduate from Karnatak University, Dharwad. I used to read a lot but now I cannot concentrate enough, plus the fact that once I start reading I forget the world, has forced me to cut down the habit of reading. I do not enjoy any sport or TV. I love music, generally I listen to old Hindi songs as they are melodious and have some meaning.  My daughters( yes I have two daughters one is 18 and other just turned 11) sporadically try educating me in the English songs they listen to but then Dilli abhi door hai…

Thankfully I have only one husband; he is my friend more than my husband and the support. He has held my hands when I have been happy and sad. The head of our family is my FIL who lives with us.


  • Take us through your blog journey.

I lost my Mil 15 years ago, my mother and my mainstay 12 years ago so there was a vacuum. My cooking was at its lowest point, nothing I made was okay about the same time my SIL Smita, suggested that I start writing down what I made well. Maybe she realized that I need an outlet for my feelings so I started maintaining a diary on the computer. Then slowly she started pushing me to share them with others. Now I am grateful to her for she not only helped me cope with my feelings but also introduced me to a brand new world that has helped me to come in terms with what I have in life.

  •  Share the most proud moment as a blogger.

I am proud of the fact that I have friends who appreciate my work. There are friends who encourage me to bake and buy them from me. I am proud that my family is caring enough to help me and is critical, very critical of what I do.


  • What are your tips to keep a blog worthy of its followers?

There is no substitute to hard and original work. If you copy give credit to others work. You are not a thief. So the only tip will be,” be honest.”


  • What are your other interests that keep you sane?

  I love music, reading, lazing around. I like to socialize too but then I cannot take crowds.


  • What kind of food the family appreciates? Does it affect the content on the blog?

We appreciate fish, chicken but then that is something we eat out. Every time we eat out we try new dishes and analyze it and try it out at home with vegetarian foods.


  • How do you promote your blog?

I wish I had the time to promote my blog, between Office, home and other jobs I just do not have the time.


  • List out your top 5 favourite blogs that you love to follow [Should include 2 Indian Bloggers]

This is your toughest question.  I will not name anyone but depending on the need I visit different people like one for baking, one for south Indian etc.


  •  Do you sometimes feel that you will not be able to blog after “X” Years/months? If yes, how do you deal with it?

When I give up blogging it will be for health reasons none other. So at that time I will have other concerns to face. But I hope it does not come to that.


  •  Final Question on personal effects:

Favorite cuisine–   I am not particular I love food period and can try any new thing or old.

 TV Show– I like stand up comedies. I can watch animal planet or discovery channel anytime, in fact I prefer that to any show even cookery shows.

Book– right now Harry Potter series, Clive Clusser,  Enid Blyton,  Tintin,  Astrix and  Obelix  ……..! Nora Roberts, Jessica Steele… many more cannot remember.

Beverage– I love coffee but then I have problems so now I have switched over to tea, like soft drinks too.

Restaurant– None specific

Birthday- 19November every year without fail till now.

 Film– Mackenna’s Gold, Sound of Music, Chupke Chupke, Abhiman, Chakde India, Lagaan,  Gajjani, Bol bhachan, Shall we Dance? Whoopie Goldberg movies, Lara Croft… Star Trek

 Music genre– I like a nice tune soft and melodious singing. I do not know what genre this will be classified.

Gadget- Radio

 My purse must have– Money lots and lots of it!! (Makes me sound very materialistic does it not?)

One habit I am proud of– that I have no good habits!

002-Have a great time in the kitchen dear Mad Scientist. We love reading your blog. 🙂


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