
Ratatouille is a pheasant dish from France.  Ratatouille is usually served as a side dish, but also may be served as a meal on its own. A very successful motion picture was also made with the same name where a rat is a master chef at a popular restaurant.

Source: Google

This recipe is part of the 30 day Blogging Marathon for this month. Check out other participants here in the Blogging Marathon page.

Week- 2

Theme- Traditional

Dish for Day – Ratatouille

Origin- Provence and Nice, France

You shall need [Feeds 2]:

1/2 cup…. Green Zucchini Slices in round shape

1/2 cup… Yellow Zucchini Slices in round shape

1/2 cup… Brinjal, Slices Round

3-4 tbsp… Basic Italian Tomato Sauce

Salt and pepper

Oilve oil


  • In a oven proof dish, make a layer of the tomato paste.
  • Line the veggies in an alternating fashion like this
Source: Smitten Kitchen
  • Sprinkle slat and pepper on it.
  • Add a couple of tbsp of olive oil on it. You may add the fresh herbs if you want like basil, rosemary, oregano etc]
  • Bake in a preheated oven at 180C for 30-35 min or until the veggies are nice and tender.
  • I served it with Salad and green tea rice.



15 thoughts on “Ratatouille

  1. i loved the movie and also recipe, when i first tried it, but i find it laborious and usually end up making large quantities, ur first pic is missing, so would like to see how it turned out

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