Gift Shopping and a cookie

It was one of those hectic days when you have tonnes of work in the office, have to pack for a trip and also pick gifts for a kiddos birthday. Between running around in the aisles of Landmark, making the payment and reasoning (read haggling) with the gift packing lady for a better wrapping sheet, some generous soul handed me two cookies neatly wrapped in a purple and gold wrapping sheet.

This reminded me that I had skipped lunch and I was on so called “diet” where I was supposed to eat every couple of hours. Since my hunger pangs had started to kick in, I quickly opened the cookie pack and started to munch. The golden discs with dark specks of raisins seemed like the universe with black holes in it. Infinite, gorgeous and oh-so-in-my-mouth. 😀 I still had not read the name or the brand it belonged to.

Since I never throw wrappers around in a mall, it stuck with me, in my bag. After a couple of days, while scouting of something in the bag with a million things, the wrapper found me and stared.

I was feeling guilty as the crumbs would have split in the bag, but the cookie wrapper wanted me to take a look at it. And I did. I was amazed to find out that it was from a brand I had never tried, Sunfeast. (being a person with minor OCD, I never change the brand of the things i have been using or consuming) It came in as a big surprise that it was made of oats.

To be very frank, I am not a oats fan, I have to disguise it in some form or the other and tell myself to just gulp it down. Since I had loved it so much, I got a pack to be kept in the office drawer and one for home. The oats, wheat and minimum use of sugar give the cookie the twist of health that we can add to our lifestyle without altering anything at all.

The generous use of dry fruits in all its varieties can make one seem like a “Going all out” for health kinda person, now come on, who does not want that.

Go ahead and give health a fair chance.


Oh and before you go, see this awesome video from Sunfeast 🙂



Thank you for dropping by :)